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About SM Entraide

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Our mission

The organization has given itself the mission of promoting healthy, safe and consensual practices in alternative sexual and relational communities. It provides inclusive community support based on listening and helping relationships across Quebec, for an adult clientele.

  • Promote the culture of consent in relational and alternative sexual communities.

  • Provide support to community members through listening services, assistance, referrals and mentoring by promoting healthy and safe practices.

  • Participate in reducing abuse by promoting openness, transparency and empowerment, while encouraging the sharing of information and knowledge.

Our Board Members

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Madame Julie

Madame Julie is studying Psychology and Sexology at the University in order to try to work for a world in which men, women, children, politicians, parents and youth educators have protected and free sexuality. Knowing that others feel they don't fit in and don't find themselves in ''traditional'' BDSM images, she offers her contribution to SMentraide.

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Lily finds that this kind of organization is very important in the community, which is why she decided to get involved with SM Entraide. She wished she had that kind of help at the very beginning. Knowing that someone is there for you, to help you see things more clearly, is reassuring.

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Anne-Marie pratique la non-monogamie consensuelle depuis une décennie et adore déconstruire les stéréotypes relationnels afin d'encourager chacun à vivre selon son coeur et ses besoins, libre de pression et de jugement. Elle souhaite utiliser son expérience afin de promouvoir les pratiques saines et sécuritaires qu'elle aurait aimé connaître plus tôt. Son bagage d'expériences positives mais aussi négatives fait d'elle une oreille attentive et empathique pour les situations difficiles.

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Spazko se dévoue à l'entraide et le soutien de ses pairs dans le but de contribuer à créer un environnement plus sûr et plus sain pour tous. Usant de ses compétences en communication et en écoute active, il aide les gens à naviguer dans leurs expériences tout en promouvant une culture de respect et de consentement. Que ce soit par le biais d'activités, de discussions ou de rencontres communautaires, Spazko est toujours partant pour offrir son aide et son expertise.

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